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Council of Ministers itself.

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When total, allowable catches have been reached it will be within the competence of the member state whose waters are afrected to close the fishery. Mr Budiaunn-Smitb: This is a matter which will only arise If tbe Commission takes action in tbe way It has indicated it might.

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Agreement was reached that catch reports should be made twice weekly to tbe Commission by any member country fishing in the area concerned. The information obtained will be circulated to member states so we will be able to monitor the situation and ensure that die fishery is closed as soon as the proposed total allowable catch has been taken.

The nevt Council -win. Mr Roy Mason, chief Opposition spokesman on agriculture and fisheries Barnsley. It has. Interest, as the French have done on ttatiodal states. If the Govern- — -. Mitchell: Huge catches made daring ban. Much more important at present is the orderly conduct of this fishery. Wfe believe, -for the reasons 1 have given, that it is possible to. Where the Mourne is concerned it win take place at the normal time later this year. If the Commission are entitled to act as they claim there may be a case for an urgent look at the structure- of Community negotiations.

Mr Buchanan-Smlth. It is significant that: not only the United Kingdom but a number of other states, arm the legal advisers of the Council of Ministers, are questioning it.

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We shall be taking an active part in any discussions. He added : In relation to any question of the legal competence of the Commission, we shall be standing up folly for die interests of the United Kingdom. It was possible and the commission has failed in not being able to do that. This was not a situation in which die veto could be used, he explained in answer to a further question.

Rqyal Navv and the Fishery Protection Service who have a proven record in protecting our fisheries. We shall give them every support we can. Lab : It Is -clear that it is a free-for-all that is involved here. Since there-are no national quots hot only- a -total quota, there Js. It- was essential not only.

Widgery,' the tor-mar Lord Cbftf Justice, -who died on Sunday, said he was an ornament to the law and a- model of aquired slriO and innate talent in the judicial art. John Widgery, he said, was a wise, brave, strong, patriotic, com- f iassionate and, above all, a pro- Dundly humble man. He was a great public servant, an active member of tits church and a gentle and affectionate friend. He would be very much missed.

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Lord Elwyn-joncs, the former Lord Chancellor, said Lord Wid- gery graced the bench as a Lord Cbitf Justice, Lord Justice of Appeal and High Court judge with qualities of fairness, integrity, courtesy, economy, clarity of expression and above all, common sense. Known wood consolidation techniques are being reviewed, and wood carving requirements are beiag assessed.

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The overall timetable is going as planned. Lady Sharpies: I.

In this country there are apparently only 15 carvers capable of repairing tne woodwork. I am sure, nothing to do with a plot to abolish ibis House. Tbe Government have considered this very carefully, but have decided that such an arrangement would be fundamentally inconsistent with the constitutional position Of local authorities. Tbe commission would appoint auditors to the local authorities, either from district audit or from the private sector.

The commission -would not be responsible for tbe audit or water authorities, whose auditors would in future be appointed by the relevant Secretary of State. The ' commission would have powere to promote or undertake work on value for money and efficiency. It would tbus cover some of the work of the local authorities management services and computer committee, and I intend to discuss tbis with the' local autbority Associations.

The, commission would be self- financing. Some increase in the present scale of fees would be required to accommodate the increased audit effort.

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The authorities will be selected to give a variety of types of authority, geographical locations, and expenditure patterns. Their names will be announced in due course. Local government expenditure. The Government wish to establish an audit system for the future which is well equipped to meet this need.

Wc believe that the measures I have announced are the right way to achieve that system. The consultation. I must ask what that means. Or does It mean, as we rear, thee these new auditors will be empowered to make political judgments and report upon areas of public policy, where the responsibility must be from the local authority. What is the criteria?

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That is a matter of fundamental policy. No Government in this country has ever sought such, totalitarian power. Why should local government he put in any different position? No board of directors can appoint its own-auditors.

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That is the preserve of shareholders i no management can appoint iu own auditors. It Js our view that there should not be a situation in which authorities appoint their auditors. Mr William Shelton Lambeth. C : These proposals will be welcome for boroughs such as Lambeth who would like the auditor to have more strength, more teeth and the power to use them.

If it was one, would continue unchecked. Would the proposal remedy ihis? King: Yes. Ir Drill. Lord Mackay of Clash fern, the Lord Advocate, said It was wrong to say the first part of the clause was in isolation. It wax part of the whole provision nf the Bill. Lord Mackay of Clasfifem should take the matter hack in the interests of clarity. The amendment was earned by 94 votes to 70—majnrditv against the Government, Committee stage was concluded. Lord Marsh. Chairman of". Secretary of State Employment, said. Even if you drop below if! July 28 his tax-cut plan,'and'for sweetners for different The political struggle over the port Bur the question is very simple.

President Reagan has been trying to ensure that the same group of Democrats will sup- the President make a final'plea for his tax. Democratic leaders, still festering from their defeat in the budget vote, have also beea campaigning hard to ensure there are not as many defectors from their. So intense has the political debate over the tax Bill become that the merits and demerits of the rival tax plans have almost been lost.

Bills also include an array of benefits for businesses aimed at encouraging them to invest in new plants and equipment. In "recent weeks both Bills have- also been laden with a mass of other, benefits and secure a strong economy. Democrats were puttin forward. Writing recently' in Pravda, he accused the new American Administration of acting against arms limitation accords.

This poses an immediate threat to the. Minister, broke off a holiday in Algarve today and returned to Lisbon to deal with, a. The resignation will- force him to negotiate a Cabinet reshuffle wish his coalition part ners,.. The first pictures have been. It is believed to be the first tune both mother and child have-survived such a birth. Her baby son weighed 51b Boz. He refused.

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Strike alert over food shortages. Warsaw, July Union leaders would meet tomorrow to decide their next moves. Most staple foods are rationed,, but this has not had the expected effect of -reducing queues. Slid 'the union - -believed the.