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Spaces may also be considered as politically peripheral. In these cases, the interests of places that are seen as politically peripheral are subordinate to the interests of the core. Economically peripheral areas are usually defined using GDP and type of economy.

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Peripheral areas are likely to be distant from core areas and markets, have poor or underdeveloped infrastructure and low levels of connectivity. The population is likely to have low levels of education, or lower levels than those in the core, higher levels of unemployment and underemployment, with poor working conditions. Usually, the population is more dispersed or has lower population densities than in the core.

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However, as apartheid spatial settlement patterns still persist in South Africa, densely populated areas can be found in the periphery and and low-density settlements in the core. The quality of life of people living in peripheral areas is usually considered to be lower than that of people living in core areas Oppong et al. Economic indicators are commonly used to identify peripheral areas, whether at global, continental, regional, national or local scales.

So, although this study has used economic indicators by using the proportion of GVA produced in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors for a defined area mesozones , it has. In the process of trying to understand uneven development and core and peripheral areas in Gauteng and the GCR, this report endeavours to create an understanding of the city-region that extends beyond its functional economic extent, and looks at inequalities, unevenness and the multiple ways that they are experienced by its residents across the province, and where this is experienced.

The Gauteng City-Region, the core region of the country, ranks as one of the largest economies on the continent. Although ranked as a world city and a global city-region, it is relatively small when considered against other city-regions in the world economy Greenberg, Little explicit attention has been paid to uneven development within the framework of core and peripheral areas at provincial or national scales in South Africa.

However, since her study was a national study, she used development regions based on metropolitan areas, district management areas and local municipalities. Harmse found that in , Only 2 per cent of GNI was earned by people in. Although only 3.

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Less than 1 per cent of the population in these areas was employed in the formal sector, compared to 21 per cent of the national population Harmse, The core of the country was found to be Gauteng Figure 1. Evaluating sectoral contributions to the GVA of the province indicates its role as a core area. In , the tertiary sector contributed Various plans have been developed since to deal with the spatial inequalities left by apartheid socio-economic ideologies, and to address on-going and newly developing spatial inequalities.

Both of these focused on state investment in rural areas to build their economies. The latter plan included focused investment in industrial agglomerations and. The plans also failed to consider adequately the processes of demographic change urbanisation , and processes of how and where capital decides to locate.

When trying to understand relationships between the space economy and spatial development planning, the processes shaping the space economy, and those with the potential to do so, may be overlooked SACN, The National Development Plan NPC, has a more nuanced perspective on the underpinnings of uneven development, but remains focused on development plans and interventions that ameliorate rather than challenge the processes underpinning uneven development. While it accepts and accounts for on-going urbanisation in South Africa far more than its predecessors did NPC, , it remains wedded to the current economic growth path and so seems destined to perpetuate uneven development, whatever its intentions.

In many ways, the Gauteng Spatial Development Framework echoes these initiatives and shows how they may be implemented. It emphasises infrastructural development, transporting raw. Much of the focus is on enabling the economy and the development of township economies, nodes and corridors, some of which are located in peripheral areas of the GCR. Although the intention of the Gauteng spatial development policies is to alleviate the marginalisation of some residents, as this chapter will show, they are fundamentally about moving workers from the periphery more quickly and efficiently to the core.

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Wildlife and birdlife is abundant in the areas the lodges are located in, and guests will often have the opportunity to get up-close and personal with the animals, without leaving the lodge. Use of fuels other than electricity and gas indicates a lack of access to these services, or an inability to pay for them. This part of the report starts with a discussion of the concepts of core and periphery and identifies some of the key relevant spatial development frameworks operating in South Africa. Price Price range, per night min R. In , the tertiary sector contributed Although ranked as a world city and a global city-region, it is relatively small when considered against other city-regions in the world economy Greenberg,

Methodology Various methodologies have been used to identify core and peripheral areas. Most have been developed to enable international comparisons between countries or between and within regions at the scale of the European Union. Some methodologies use single indicators, while others use composite indicators or indexes.

In a study of the European Union, Villaverde and Maza found both single and composite indicators had value in determining spatial inequalities.

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Stiglitz et al. While economic indicators are most commonly used as the basis for identifying core and peripheral areas, Mehretu et al. Areas usually considered as core have high proportions of their GVA produced in the financial and manufacturing sectors and a high concentration of businesses. The GVA of peripheral areas is concentrated in the mining and agricultural sectors and they usually have lower concentrations. Land use in core areas is largely urban or built-up and population density is usually high.

Peripheral areas consist largely of agricultural, conservation or otherwise unused land, with lower building densities and lower population densities. To understand whether uneven development is taking place, how and where, the core and peripheral areas of Gauteng first needed to be identified. Initially, economic and land-use criteria, along with population density measures, were used to identify core and peripheral areas in Gauteng. Then other socio-economic and demographic criteria were used to create a series of indexes of peripherality to look at how these were reflected in the economically-defined core and peripheral areas.

The index to identify core and peripheral areas in Gauteng was created using data from four sources. This divides South Africa into approximately 50 km square 7 km by 7 km mesozones.

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The source of GVA in , was identified for each mesozone, using eight categories. The proportions of GVA per mesozone produced in the agricultural, and mining and quarrying sectors, as a percentage of the total GVA of the mesozone, as well as the percentage of. Second, using AfriGIS data from that plots the number of businesses per kilometre, the percentage of businesses per mesozone was calculated.

Third, land-use data was gathered using GTI 2. Fourth, data on population distribution for was obtained from Lightstone Demprokey X.

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Mesozones with high scores were counted as core areas and those with low scores were considered peripheral. This index was then mapped using ArcGIS and natural breaks. The boundaries between core and peripheral areas were then drawn.

The index to identify core and peripheral areas was created using the above data sources in the following equation Damon, 5 :. Once the boundaries between core and peripheral areas were drawn, Gauteng electoral wards as at were assigned as core or periphery. There are electoral wards in Gauteng, of which fall in the core and in the periphery. Electoral wards in densely-populated areas can be spatially small, while those in rural and conservation areas can be extensive.

The population of wards ranges from an outlier with under 1 residents to one with over 43 residents. In , 36 per cent of the population, and 36 per cent of households in Gauteng, lived in the peripheral areas identified in this study Census, Having created a boundary between core and peripheral areas in Gauteng, and sorted Gauteng electoral wards into the core and peripheral areas identified using mesozones, a binary analysis of relevant Census data and data from the GCRO Quality of Life QoL and surveys was made at ward level.

As economic values are not the only indicators of peripherality — there are various ways. The indexes created were demographic, migration, income and employment, housing, services, connectivity and household goods. The QoL survey was based on a representative sample of 27 residents in Gauteng and the QoL survey on a representative sample of 30 residents of the province see www. Ostensibly, the populations of core and peripheral areas in the same country should be similar in age and household structure. However, demographically marginal or peripheral areas are characterised by populations with high proportions of elderly people and children, large households, and relatively high proportions of female headed households.

A demographic index was created using Census data by adding the proportion of the population of 65 years and older, the proportion of the population under 19 years, the proportion of households of 6 or more people, and the proportion of female headed households, per ward Figure 3. Figure 3 shows that overall, based on the demographic index there are not clear distinctions between core and peripheral areas. While the most marginal areas of the province are located in peripheral areas, sections of core areas also show demographic peripherality.

In part, these distributions reflect the legacy of apartheid geographies.

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Internationally, one of the first indicators of core areas is that they have a high proportion of the population of a given area, and they are densely populated. It was not clear whether and how this would apply in the South African context. Apartheid forced black South Africans into designated areas and townships, which enabled the development of densely-populated formal and informal settlements. Post-apartheid development of.